Don’t sweat the small stuff. And it’s all small stuff.

​Worrying is one of the biggest wastes of energy that we are all guilty of doing. It does absolutely no good, serves no purpose and solves no problems. And it doesn’t matter if the issue feels massive or if it’s just a minor inconvenience, it’s still, just a problem. It will work out, or it won’t. You can try to help it to go your way, but there are no guarantees. Worrying that it might go wrong for you doesn’t help anything and only makes you feel anxious about it. Instead of worrying, step back, take a deep breath and analyze the situation from a rational perspective. Are there solutions or avenues you have not considered that might lead to solving this problem? If so, fantastic. But feeding energy to worry is, at best, pointless, and, at worst, destructive. Try to be mindful that you are a limited resource, with only so much capacity and bandwidth to put out. Do you want to focus that energy on worrying about something that may or may not happen? Or would that energy be better spent on something positive and productive?


Live life with integrity, doing what is right even when no one is looking. 


Learn to listen more than you talk.