Never settle for “fine”

Just as we should never strive for perfection, we should never settle for "Fine" or "good enough." Never settle in your self or in a partner. If you are living with integrity, doing your absolute best whenever possible should come as second nature. And you should expect the same from a partner; business, romantic or otherwise. When you settle, you are short changing yourself of some greater possibility out there. Never think “This is good enough for now,” because your "now" could turn into forever. Expect greatness and it will come. Accept mediocrity and it will stay. As you walk your path, you may find easy, paved roads that lead to nowhere. But the path of least resistance is rarely the best way to go. Know your worth. Know that you are priceless because there is only one of you in all of existence, and expect to be treated as such. It may not be the easiest road to travel, but the destination will be worth it in the end.


Leave the woodpile higher than you found it.


In all things, strive for excellence, not perfection.