Always be honest and kind

You can call it the Golden Rule. You can call it karma. You can call it whatever you like, but we all kind of know on a cellular level that the energy we put out into the universe is going to come back to us. If the image you project to the world is that of an A-Hole, the world will return A-Hole energy to you. But, thank the good Lord, the inverse is also true. No, that is not to say that only good things happen to good people and vice versa. Not by a long shot. But I deal with a lot of people on a daily basis. And some of them are less than pleasant to interact with. And some might say the same about me. But I know that I want to keep working and will bend over backwards to help a kind, friendly person who is attempting to do something positive. And I won’t give a second thought to the guy with a crappy attitude or might be offering some shady deal. Intentions matter in every aspect of life, so if you walk though your existence with the goal of doing good and generally being helpful, you will find many more doors opening for you as you walk down the path.


Respect and value yourself and others.


Find a Path and Follow it