Respect and value yourself and others.
It is unfortunate that so many folks don’t take this lesson to heart. I have seen several individuals over the years that are selfless in their actions, but wouldn’t do the first thing to help their own situation. And it’s rare, but you will come across some that just don’t value anything or anyone but themselves. We have no control over how people treat themselves or others; we only control ourselves and the actions we take. Remember that everyone is usually doing their best in this world, and we all come up short from time to time . It may be a coach, a professor, a boss or a friend, but someone will disrespect you. Offer them grace and forgiveness. You may not think they deserve it, but it will make you a better person in the long run. Remember that every one of us has intrinsic worth and value. We all bring something different and special to the table and should be respected as an equal in that regard. After all, we are all walking this path together and need all the help we can get!