Balance your checkbook
Taking care of your finances is so important, but most of us just assume it will take care of itself. My grandmother balanced her checkbook religiously. I can’t say I am as vigilant as she, but I am constantly trying to keep our family’s finances under control. Developing a budget, exploring ways to save and investing for the future are the key ways that you can explore financial literacy and maintain a firm grasp on your money. Don’t be militant about it and stress over very pack of gum you purchase. But make sure you know where your money comes from and where it goes. Find the sinkholes that continually drain your finances and seek out ways to lessen them. Explore opportunities to increase your income, be it side hustles, investments or doing a few shows at The Peppermint Rhino. One of the biggest stress points in a marriage/life partner relationship is money. There will never be enough for every little thing. But, you can work to alleviate the stressors from your day to day life with just a little work.