Never stop learning. Be Curious about the world! 

When my oldest was about 3 years old, his favorite word was “Why?” I think this is pretty common for most preschoolers around this age. And it’s not that they want to question authority or be disrespectful. (That comes in the teen years I’m finding out!) Young kids, by their nature, are curious. They want to explore. They want to experience. And most importantly, they want to learn. Now, for most of us, between industrialized lesson plans and standardized government based testing, we loose that love of learning along the way somewhere. And that is an absolute shame. Learning shouldn’t end once your school days are over. And it should’t be just facts or trivia, but if you want to win the quiz bowl at the corner bar, that would help. Be curious about your family. And about your neighbors. Everyone has a story and you can learn something from them. So read. Ask questions. Listen to podcasts and watch YouTube videos about history and art and whatever else you are interested in. Never stop learning something new.


In all situations, Wait and See.


Balance your checkbook