Don’t chase the duck, make the duck come to you
Growing up, I had a much younger cousin who was obsessed with baby ducks. She’d chase them all around my Grandparents' yard, squealing the entire time with delight and anguish. She loved that she was so close, but hated that she never actually got one. After countless failed attempts to grab a hold of her own little duckling, my Papaw finally gave her some fantastic advice. “Don’t chase the duck, make it come to you.” And he handed her a handful of crackers. She tossed one in the little yellow ducks direction and it quickly snapped it up and started waddling her way. In just a moment, the duck was in her lap, eating crackers from her palm, and she was as happy as any little girl that I’ve ever seen. This same principle can be applied to so many aspects of our lives. You can chase money, chase a crush or chase a dream job and never get any closer. But, if you can find a way to attract what it is you’re looking for to start looking for you…Well, then you’ve won before the race even started. Be mindful and strategic when you can. Plan out your actions and think of what reactions might occur so you can develop contingencies. There’s a lot we can learn from Papaw’s duck crackers.