Roll with the punches

When I was a teenager, one of the cutest, most popular girls in my school came up to me first thing on a Monday morning, smiling ear to ear. I was friendly with her, at least enough for this to not be totally out of the blue, but it was still not normal behavior. “If anyone asks, I was with you Friday and Saturday night, OK?” she says with a mischievous grin. Confused, I asked “OK, why?” “I told my mom and dad you took me out all weekend. They like you and don’t approve of the guy I was with.” I had two ways to deal with this; I could be offended that I was secretly cuckolded in a relationship I never knew I was in, and only existed in the minds of this young lady’s parents. Or, I could be flattered that my reputation was so strong that I made a convenient cover story for two star-crossed lovers. I chose the later. And in the long run, I didn’t give it another thought until I ran into her parents at a community event over 20 years later and ratted her out! People will sometimes say “Expect the unexpected.” If that were possible, it wouldn’t be unexpected, now would it? But, when the unexpected does occur, good or bad, be nimble enough to just go with it. Trust in your instincts and abilities to handle any situation and push on through. Because you never know what the next turn in the path will bring.


Write down your goals and revise them often


Don’t chase the duck, make the duck come to you