Write down your goals and revise them often

Putting pen to paper is powerful. It’s permanent, for one. It literally makes a statement. And when you go from having an inkling of a dream in your mind to a concrete goal that you’ve written down on paper, it becomes real. But it is this realness that makes it tangible. We all have notions of making more money, getting healthy and being a better person. But how many of us take the time to physically write down attainable goals and start setting up processes to achieve them? I found out I was diabetic when I was twenty-five years old. That is a strange age to get that diagnosis, since most folks have either Type 1, formerly known as juvenile diabetes, or Type 2, which typically affects older folks. Well, my lifestyle wasn’t the best and my diet was even worse. I can’t even remember how many full sugar sodas I would drink in a day. And for the longest time after, I just treated the situation with an “I’ll do better” attitude; never really pinning down a plan of action. It wasn’t until I created attainable, reasonable goals, that included a timeline, did I see actual improvement. And putting pen to paper made all the difference in the world.


Learn to Cook. And Do your own dishes!


Roll with the punches